Why You Should Stop Being Scared to Start a Blog

If you are scared to start a blog, you are in the right place. I know what it’s like to have self-doubt and a lack of confidence starting something new like a blog, but that’s why I’m here for you!

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There are so many reasons people who are scared to start a blog. Each week I receive emails from readers telling me how he or she really wants to start a blog, but they are holding back for different reasons.

Some people are worried about what to write about. Others are worried no one will read their blog.

If you are ready to start a blog, this tutorial will walk you through the exact steps on how to start a blog.

You can bookmark the page and come back to it after reading this blog post.

Why are you scared to start a blog?

For whatever reason, many people are just flat out nervous about making that leap into blogging.

Seriously, so many of us are scared to start a blog. I totally get it. I’ve been there.

I know what it’s like to read and admire blog after blog, want to start my own, but then I let fear hold me back.

I know people that have spent months envisioning what they want to want to write about, the perfect blog name, and what the blog design should look like.

Many people waste a lot of time standing by the sidelines watching and not doing.

I was nervous too. It took me months to leave my first comment on a blog post lol.

After leaving a comment, I would over-analyze what I wrote.

I worried about the small things

Did my comment make sense? What if I wrote too much? Was it too little?

Clearly, I had issues and lacked confidence I’m shy, so it was a big step for me to leave my first comment on someone’s blog!

Over time, I got a little more confident and started leaving more comments on my favorite blogs and blog posts.

Some of the bloggers even wrote me back in the comments section!

I felt a personal connection, even if it was online, and really felt like I was joining a community where people were really nice, friendly and welcoming.

Soon, I started to recognize other bloggers online and expanded my list of blogs to read.

I gravitated towards a wide range of bloggers and subjects. It was important to not focus on one niche in particular and enjoyed reading about a ton of different things.

I was totally enamored with the blogging life and couldn’t handle how excited I was to read one of my favorite blogger’s new blog posts to see what he or she would write.

Why I changed my mind about blogging

One night, after reading a handful of blog posts, I made the decision to go for it. I was ready to start a blog! I had been teetering back and forth about starting one and the biggest obstacle for myself was if I could commit.

In about 30 seconds, I talked to myself, psyched myself up, and pretty much decided that if I was going to start a blog, I was going to go all in. No more being scared to start a blog!

Well, that decision to start a blog changed my life.

Today, I am a full-time blogger. The journey from there to here wasn’t overly easy or hard, but it was a process that just involved time and commitment.

I’m probably just like you when it comes to starting a blog. I knew very little when I got started. I was on a budget, so I had to figure out a lot of things on my own.

But within my first year of blogging, I was able to walk away from my full-time job and successfully blog and freelance full time.

Everyone’s idea of success is different. My goal was always to leave my day job, have my own schedule, and be my own boss.

This might not be your goal, and that’s totally fine!

Blogging should be fun, not scary!

Maybe your goal is to have a creative outlet where you can write down your thoughts, or share your art or craft and just have fun!

Your goal might include bringing in a part-time blog income in addition to your full-time job. Or maybe you only want to blog part-time and not have a full-time job.

It’s also important to remember the amount of income one person needs to bring in each month might be more or less than what you need to make online each month.

There is no right or wrong way when it comes to blogging!

The bottom line is that until you try and decide to start a blog, you’ll never know the potential that you have.

Here’s a few things that have happened since I decided I would no longer be scared to start a blog

I started blogging in my spare time while working a full-time job.

It took about a month or so for me to realize I needed to treat my blog like a business, not a hobby. This meant creating a blog schedule and a list of things to learn and work on!

My first blog income report was roughly three months after I started blogging and was for a little over $60 – and it was awesome!

I gave my notice to my full-time job within 9 months of starting a blog.

After one year of blogging (and only 9 months of being serious about it) I walked away from my full-time job and moved back across the country to a city I’ve always wanted to live in (what’s up Nashville!).

In my first month of blogging full time, my blog income report was for over $3,600.

I made a little under $14,000 in my spare time from this blog. This was just from blogging for fun and while at my day job!

How I increased my blog income each month

Here’s a recap of my income grew each month with my blog.

Last month I celebrated my ninth month freelancing full time and this was so exciting!

What I’m trying to show you is that with some time, dedication, and work, you can be as successful as you want to be! While I would love to be an overnight success story, there is no such thing as this!

I started with a plan, stuck with it, and am now doing exactly what I want to do. What really makes me excited is that the sky’s the limit! There’s no cap in my salary, I can continue to grow and earn more money.

On the downside, have I made any mistakes? Yup, a ton, ha!

Sometimes I look back at my blog and realize that I missed opportunities to grow faster, monetize faster, etc.

It’s easy to beat myself up about this. But, I realized that I pretty much figured out most of this on my own, didn’t have much help, and just did it my way. I chalk it all up to it being a learning experience.

I’m glad I took the time to figure out a lot of things on my own. I know what works, what doesn’t work, and how to fix things.

5 reasons you’re too scared to start a blog

By now, I hope you are inching closer towards wanting to start a blog.

Below are a few reasons you are this close to get started. I have literally have had all the feels from this list below. Chances are, if I’ve experienced these emotions, then you probably have too.

You need a creative outlet

Blogging can be very therapeutic. It’s your own space where you can write what you want and express your feelings.

Maybe you want to start a blog about something you are passionate about, even if it has nothing to do with your real life.

Go for it! 

Or maybe you want to use your experience in real life and become an expert in your subject online. You can do that too!

Maybe you hate writing. You can use your blog to upload photos or make an online scrapbook.

If you are a visual person, you can create pretty graphics, art, or more online.

Your blog gives your the freedom to make it whatever you want it to be!

If you worry about privacy, you can choose to write anonymously.

You can go by your first name or even make up your own name if you choose to.

Fyi, when I first started a blog, I only went by first name.

It took me about over a year before I was ready to use my last name and show a picture of myself!

You want to share your experience

So many people start a blog to share his or her specific journey. This could be related to anything! Here’s a few ideas you could share on your blog:

  • Weight loss journey, healthy living or goal-oriented (ex. running a marathon)
  • Document your travels
  • Mama / lifestyle
  • Wedding planning
  • Newlyweds, new baby family life
  • Reviews
  • Career-oriented
  • Fashion, trends or makeup
  • General lifestyle and day to day living
  • Home decor, DIY, crafts
  • Personal finance (investing, getting out of debt, saving money)
  • Vacation planning
  • and more…. (I could seriously list ideas all day, ha!)


When I started blogging, I made sure I was always accountable. I blogged regularly.

Whether you want to blog three times a week or twice a month, just stick to the same schedule.

This will help you develop a routine. Remember, you need to think of your blog as a part-time job and not a hobby if you plan to grow it or monetize it.

One way to stay accountable is to create a Mastermind group of fellow bloggers who are similar to you. Ya’ll don’t have to all blog about the same thing!

But creating a mastermind group can help you reach your goals, work on projects, and stick to a blogging schedule. The easiest way to start a closed group is on Facebook!

Have a sense of community

Online blogging communities are the best! People are super nice, friendly, and welcoming. When I started my blog, there were a few fellow bloggers in my niche that were just launching their blogs as well.

Like high school or college graduation, I consider us to be in the same “class of” blogging newbies that started together.

I reach out to these girls all the time and it’s amazing to see all of our progress. Every single one of us has succeeded! Within a year, it’s amazing to see the progress we have all made!

Try to connect with fellow bloggers in your niche. You can encourage each other and ask each other questions.

When I first started blogging, I would get so excited when a fellow blogger would leave a comment on one of my blog posts.

By far, comments are my favorite part of blogging. It’s the best way to interact with someone else that just gets me.

Make money

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to make money from blogging. You shouldn’t feel guilty about this.

When I started my blog, my goal was to share my story and provide valuable information that could hopefully help other people. Plus I wanted to monetize my blog.

You have every right to earn a living from your website and should not feel guilty about this!

There are so many ways to make money from your blog. Here are a few ways you can make money blogging:

  • Ad income
  • Sponsored posts
  • Brand partnerships
  • Affiliate links
  • Products, courses, books, subscriptions, etc.
  • Podcasts
  • Freelancing (add a ‘hire me’ page to your site)
  • and more!

Not sure what all the above actually means? That’s ok – I didn’t know all these options either when I was just starting out.

Here are eight popular reasons why most people are scared to start a blog

What’s holding you back? Are these the reasons you are scared to start a blog? 

Lack of time

I get it. You’re busy, tired and trying to do a million things at once.

But if you want to be successful, you need to carve some time out of your schedule and fit it in.

In the beginning stages of blogging, I was working a full-time job, felt like I was never home and when I was home, I was busy taking care of everyone and everything BUT me.

When I shared my schedule of what it’s like to be a part-time blogger, my blog post raised a few eyebrows.

My schedule was crazy, but I knew I had to work hard to make blogging work. I changed around my schedule and figured out a time that works best for me. 

The best thing you can do is look at your schedule and find a time that you can spend solely working on your blog.

Maybe this is early in the morning, on your lunch break at work, or late at night after everyone’s gone to bed.

Next you need to stick to a schedule. Treat this blog like a part time job, not a hobby.

If you want to be successful, you need to put in the work. Try to commit to the same schedule and get into a routine.

If you have to change things up, that’s ok too!

You’re shy and lack confidence

Ok, so this is mostly geared towards me and might not apply to you, ha!

Don’t worry – the online community is really welcoming. Don’t believe me?

When you decide to start your blog, send me an email and I will make sure to say hi. To date, hundreds of people have emailed me with their new website name and I love it!

No one is going to leave mean comments on one of your blog posts. Everyone pretty much helps each other out and is very friendly. It’s ok to be shy.

Just be nice and people will be nice back 🙂

You’re not sure what you want to write about

Don’t stress this. The good thing is you can write about anything you want. You get to be the boss and CEO!

Chances are when you start your blog, you are going to think you want to write about something in particular.

You might get tired of writing about the same subject, so you can change it up! Pick a few things to blog about until you get a feel for what you like and don’t like to write about.

You’re still in the “research” stage

Stop researching and just start a blog. I know you are scared to start a blog, but you have to stop this stage. You could seriously do research forever.

I know, trust me. I’m all about the prep work. I probably over-prepare. At some point, you just have to stop talking about it and just go for it.

Your topic has already been written about

This is such a common fear and myth when it comes to wanting to start a blog.

Yes, there is a really good chance someone in the blogging world has written about the exact same things you want to blog about. There are probably a lot of bloggers who’ve written about your subject.

Who cares! The biggest thing to remember is that no one has told your story. You make the story personal in your own unique voice. Readers will want to get to know you and your point of view.

You’re doing a lot of work to get ready for your “launch” date

I think it’s great to have a launch date and a date you want your blog to go live.

With this being said, you don’t need to go overboard. There’s a really good chance that very few people will read your brand new blog right away.

There’s nothing wrong with writing a couple blog posts and just hitting publish. You don’t need to have a ton of blog posts written to launch. Just enjoy the excitement of publishing posts!

Forget being scared to start a blog; you have a fear of failing in general

There is a pretty slim chance you are going to nail the blogging thing right away. But that doesn’t mean you are failing.

In my first six months of blogging, I changed my theme twice, changed up what I wanted to write about, and re-did my sidebar a million times.

I didn’t know anything about how to monetize my blog except to use Google AdSense (today I’m with AdThrive). I also had to go back and update all my images to be vertical as opposed to horizontal as that became a trend on Pinterest.

But I don’t really consider this failing and you shouldn’t either. It’s all a learning process. We all start at the same place – as newbies who are experiencing a lot of hands-on training.

You’re worried no one will read your blog

Ha, no one read my blog in the beginning! I was ok with that.

This is literally one of the silliest fears to have if you’re scared to start a blog.

I was trying to find my writing style, had horrible images, and hated my sidebar. I was all over the place with my blog posts. It’s probably better that no one read my blog in the beginning, ha!

Don’t be too scared about the numbers in the beginning. Seriously, if you are scared to start a blog because of low traffic in the beginning, just eliminate this fear.

Focus on creating amazing content that other people will want to read. When it’s time to focus on gaining traffic and growing your blog, there are several different blog strategies you can implement.

How to gain that extra boost of confidence and stop being scared to start a blog

Are you getting totally pumped to start a blog or what?! Blogging has changed my life.

I’m not kidding when I say that every morning when I wake up, I get super excited to start my day.

There’s a million things I want to accomplish, blogging friends to chat with and I don’t even feel like what I’m doing is even working.

I am super happy with this blogging life and really want other people to experience what I experience every day!

Here’s a few things I feel and experience on a daily basis that you might too:

Relax – you totally got this

You’re smart. You’re excited. You’ve done your research. You know what you want to write about.

Readers want to know you story. Stop sweating the small stuff, don’t let fear take over and think positive. You can totally start a blog and do this!

Start with low expectations and enjoy the highs

Anything can happen when it comes to blogging. If you put in the time, it won’t even feel like work.

While it’s important to have goals and dreams, take it one day at a time in the beginning. Create rough goals and an outline of where you envision yourself.

Make an editorial calendar and decide what you want to write about each month, what you want to accomplish in three months, six months, etc.

It’s ok not to be perfect

Ugh, who wants to be perfect? Embrace your flaws and go with it.

If you get my weekly newsletter, you guys know that I have no problem telling you what my weaknesses are and what I’m struggling with at the moment.

I like to keep it real and appreciate it when you email me back to tell me you are going through the same thing.

It’s your blog – you can do anything you want with it

Yup. You blog is your own personal space – you can make it anything you want it to be.

Don’t be worried about trying to be like someone else.

You have your own unique style and your own thoughts – so just own it.

Your audience is there and waiting for you to tell your story

There’s an audience for every blog out there. There are people out there who are too shy to start a blog.

They are searching for a blog to read that they can relate to and fit in with. And that is you!

People want to hear your story and get your take on things. There’s an entire community online that is going to be able to relate to what you are writing.

How to start a blog

If you are ready to start a blog, this tutorial will walk you through the exact steps on how to start a blog.

I used Bluehost for my blog and it’s pretty cheap, which is good if you are just getting started.

You also get a FREE domain name, which is awesome when you are just starting out and are trying to save money.

In the blogging tutorial, I guide you step-by-step on how to select your free domain name, pick your hosting site and how to install WordPress. You should be able to do everything pretty quickly, in roughly 10-15 minutes tops.

After you install your blog, make sure you read all the way to the bottom of the tutorial. I share what to do next, including:

  • How to pick a theme
  • How to start a newsletter
  • How to monetize your website so you can make money
  • Resource page full of tons of free resources I use for my blog

Along with getting hosting for your blog, you’ll also need a theme. While you can get them for free through WordPress, I prefer these:

Take the next step

Start a blog today! Don’t wait a day longer – I KNOW you have the confidence to do this!

I’m really excited for you!

Blogging has opened up so many opportunities for me.

Every day is a great day when I know I can control my own schedule.

I get excited to check my emails from readers, I love to read fellow blog posts from my favorite bloggers and am enjoying this fun and crazy journey. Good luck, you got this!

Related reading:

Are you scared to start a blog?

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  1. Hey! 🌟 Your article on overcoming blogging fears is a game-changer! Embracing imperfections and treating the blog journey as a learning experience resonated deeply. Your analogy of a wobbly first step being progress is gold. Finding our unique voice amidst the noise is crucial, and your friendly, anecdotal style made it feel like a chat over coffee. Thanks for the confidence boost – ready to take that plunge now!

    1. Hi Kristin,

      So I’m mostly in the “extremely annoyed and psyching myself out phase”. There are a handful of blog niches I could pursue with a whole plan in my head, but I always think that I don’t have anything to contribute that other huge blogs don’t already have covered.

      Case in point: I would love to start a travel blog. Traveling the world would be a huge dream. The problem? My wife and I don’t have the money to take trips worldwide or blog as we travel most of the year.

      We’ve been to the Dominican Republic for our honeymoon and we had a 10-day trip in Spain about 6 years ago. It’s better than nothing but it’s still not a ton of experience. This leads me to ask, “Who would waste their time coming to read a travel blog from a guy who can’t do much traveling?”

      Who is going to read blog posts about the amazing sights in this city or that hidden area off of the beaten path? I don’t have the pictures or videos to show I’ve been there. It just seems like I’ll be seen as some kind of fraud for recommending pretty much anything, whether it’s places to go to, travel and tech gear to take with you, and so many other things.

      It’s not just the travel blog idea. I have several others but they all fall into that same category. I know a little bit but not enough that it feels like anyone would take my advice or recommendations seriously. If I was an accountant and wanted to do a budget and savings blog, that makes sense. People would take what I have to say seriously, but if I just read a few hundred blog posts and decided I could give financial advice, that probably wouldn’t feel like I’m contributing much.

      I don’t know. Sorry, this is a far too long response to an excellent blog post trying to you over your fears. I just fear that even if I say so, so much in hundreds of blog posts, the end result will be a “meh” and an eyeroll. The guy’s never even been anywhere. Who cares what he recommends.

  2. Thank you for this article. It gave me a few good things to think about.

  3. Thank you for this amazing blog i felt motivated and encouraged to start blogging!! This felt blog felt personal and valued. I do the research stage of blogging but when it comes to writing my own stuff I’m stuck or have fear but I can over come it.

  4. Thank you for sharing! I’m definitely stuck in the research phase and have been for awhile. I definitely needed this read!

  5. Well…….here I am…stuck in the research phase…you nailed me on that one!!!! Pardon me while I read every “blogging for beginners” or “10 things I’d do differently when starting my blog” posts….. I already have a business, I’m on all social medias, I have started a website to host my blog and I’ve started writing but the thought of publishing is EEEEEEEK!!!!! I’m the least shy person on the planet so I’m not sure why it freaks me out!!! I think I jus want to do ALL THE THINGS right before publishing!! Anywho, thanks for the words of encouragement!! I’d love to have you as a blogging mentor of sorts if you do that sort of thing!! 🥰

  6. Thank you for sharing onn”how to start a blog”! I think you just gave me the the motivation…. to finally start, even though I haven’t thought of a name…but I think I have one (just for starters).

  7. Hi!
    I’m so nervous to start! I genuinely love to write, and would love to generate a side income. I’m a second year teacher, not planning on overtaking my full time job, but would love to develop income for when I decide to have kids so I can stay home with them, but I genuinely love to write. But I’ve wanted to do this for some time now. I actually invested in a site, host, etc, and then I got scared when I was staring a blank screen! I get writer’s block and worry I will lose things to write about! I know I need to find my “niche” but I genuinely want to write about a ton of things: trauma, budgeting/financing, dating advice, etc. I would love the idea of having a “Ask Amy” blog. Where I could interact with my readers, and post content they want to hear about. I just don’t know how to start that! Any advice would be welcome!

  8. Hey! This gave me a lot of direction or a path to walk on ! I am finally launching my blog this week. Thank you for this amazing post

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      YAY, congrats starting a blog!

  9. Hi Kristin,
    I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story and your transparency here. It is incredibly inspiring and made me feel much more hopeful and excited about my own journey.
    This post is clear and detailed and so so helpful!
    I’m so happy for you and all of your success <3

  10. This is exactly the confidence booster I needed! I started my blog (literally today) and have been nervous to publish it. I definitely have my fears, but what’s life if everything comes east?! Thank you for this kick in the booty that I so desperately needed.

  11. This was such a good read! I have started several blogs that were almost immediately killed off at the root due to my believe of not being good enough or that I was a nobody to talk about certain topics. However, the idea of having a blog has never left me. Now I’m starting a new one. This would just be used as a creative outlet. Thanks for the informative post 😀

  12. Hey!
    I loved your post but I think my biggest fear is getting sued. I keep hearing about having a good enough disclaimer, privacy policy etc. But when I look up everything, I’m always taken through the route of spend so much $$$$$$. I’m already tight on money and just want to start my blog. I’ve started but it’s not launched because of this ONE reason.

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      I have never heard of anyone getting sued from their blog. Don’t let this type of fear hold you back. You can always get a small insurance policy if you think you need one, but that is rare.

  13. Hi!

    I was just wondering if you had any post or guidance on creating an email list or a subscribe option for blogs. I have played around with a few options, but I am not even sure if I’m doing them correctly. Thanks so much!


  14. Great post, very encouraging! I stayed in the research phase for a long time and this I got started. But now I’m in the phase of working on my website and trying to write posts for pulling the trigger to launch! But this is definitely a little boost of confidence!

  15. Hi Ktistin,

    Thank you for sharing such an inspiring post. Well, this is my first comment ever in any blog and it’s been 2 mnths i have been searching like lunatic. One thing was holding me back to start my blog was choose a particular niche. Mostly bloggers says that choose a niche but my niche would be life style.
    At the moment I’m full time worker and a mum too, also i have a chronic illness, that’s why i want to start a blog and monitise it . So by the time my dr goes to school i will be able to go part time or quite my job and become a full time blogger.
    I will email you my website soon.
    Loads of love xx

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      You can def start with general lifestyle and narrow it down when you are ready!

      1. do you have to narrow it down? I’ve read a lot of lifestyle blogs and that it’s okay to have a few topics, between 2-4. I currently have a recipe blog, but I will be transitioning to a lifestyle blog with recipes, slow living lifestyle and maybe wellness. would it be okay to slowly incorporate more topic as you create more posts?

  16. Hi Kristin!
    This post was helpful and inspirational. I’ve had a hobby blog on and off since I was a young teen, but now as a young momma, I’m really interested in making it an income source. I just got my own site this year, and I’ve started working on adding content and building an email list. I’d love to connect with you!

  17. Hello,

    This post was very inspiring. I love blogging as a hobby and figuring things out as I go along but I am so overwhelmed with finding an audience. Total newbie here! I hope to grow it one day into something tangible (aspiring future boss here), however, I am still in college! Lots to learn. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and enthusiasm!!

  18. Hi Kristin,

    This was such a helpful post. Thanks for sharing! Blogging really requires some confidence. But the good thing is that once you publish a few posts, you start feeling more comfortable. And you only need to keep pushing!

  19. Hi Kristin,
    What an encourging and uplifting post! So glad I found you. Just like many other readers, it feels like you wrote this for me. I am starting my blogging journey today after reading your post. No more stuck in researching phase 😀. BTW, this is my first comment to any blogger. Lots of love and best wishes. You’re the best!!!

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      YAY, it’s good to get past the research phase and just start!

  20. Hi Kristin! I am very inspired by your well presented information on blogging. I have never done Facebook or instagram and I’m wondering if this may hinder my success as a blogger. I’m so proud of you for your hard work and determination!

  21. I am the person you wrote this blog about. LOL I want to start a blog and monetize it, but can’t decide what topic I want to write about. Would it be terrible to write about several topics in the same blog? I don’t think I could keep up with multiple blogs and do my full time job which I absolutely cannot quit. Any advice would be appreciated.

  22. Nicole Mullicane says:

    This post is like you are in my head right now. I have an idea of what I want to say, who my audience is and what I would like for it to look like and I keep researching like you said. I really think I’m ready to do this now. Thank you so much.

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      It’s easy to get caught up in the research phase – just get started and work as you go!

      1. How do I sign up for your news letter? I’m pretty darn excited to get this going. Thx for the awsome content!

        1. Kristin Larsen says:

          Usually at bottom of blog posts there is a way to opt-in 🙂

  23. Hi Kristin, Thank you so much for your encouraging words.
    This is my first time commenting on a post.

    I quit my job and was searching opportunities in the digital world. I was confused about blogging before reading your post. It is very helpful. I decided to start a blog and share my thoughts with the world.

  24. Hi Kristin.
    The words which are here are very inspiring to me. And it give me the new spirit to develop my blog. Before reading your post i was sad with my blog post because it was not visited by a single member till today.And after reading this i ended to know it’s not easy but it is simple. And today i knew that by leaving fear and being with commitment it is also possible for me. Thank you Kristin for your support to new bloggers like me.

  25. I’m so happy I found this! Im in the *very* early days of blogging!! goodmombadwords.com

  26. Hi Kristin,
    This is unimaginably rousing, congrats on your prosperity. There is an abundance of data here and subsequent to seeing your diagram/timetable report of how you exponentially developed your income with your blog, I am SO supported. I just began my journey on blogging. Your content and journey causes me to feel like with responsibility and diligence, I also can encounter wealth in being consistent with my genuine self. Much obliged to you!

  27. This was the post I needed to find! After months of fretting and wondering if blogging was the most ridiculous idea I have ever had, I finally pressed “launch” but am still very reluctant/anxious to share with others. Here’s to hoping the confidence sets in soon!

  28. This post was very motivating to me. I read this in December of 2019 and the tab has been open on my cell phone ever since. I was nervous for several of the reasons you mentioned. After I read it, I just decided to do it. I’m glad that I did.

    1. I’ve really been considering a blog. Currently I’m working on writing a few posts in word just to see if I can get behind writing all the time (I’m a math person). I have my topic ideas picked out. I’m just not sure I write well or will come off credible.
      I love seeing your income reports. Over $700k a year is absolutely amazing to see in 5 years. I will definitely be emailing you when I start my blog. Ha!

      1. Kristin Larsen says:

        I wasn’t a writer when I got started and I’m still not – I like to think I’m just writing to friends! Don’t let that hold you back!

  29. Kristin thanks for this detailed guide. At least I can say I’ve had a bit of a boost of confidence now. Thanks a lot

  30. Hi Kristin! This article alone has been one of my driving forces for starting a blog. I actually found this article because I searched “scared to start a blog”! Ha! There’s so much information out there and it’s very easy to get discouraged starting a blog because there are so many factors that go into starting a blog. I’ve followed your blog for a few months and subscribed and also get your weekly emails! I love them and you offer so much insight! Thank you for motivating me to start my own personal finance blog pennystasher.com. You truly are an inspiration!

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      Yay, glad to help!

  31. Kristin! This is incredibly inspirational, congratulations on your success. There is a wealth of information here and after seeing your outline/timeline report of how you exponentially grew your income with your blog, I am SO encouraged. I just started manifestingmine.com. Your content and journey makes me feel as though with commitment and perseverance, I too can experience abundance in being true to my authentic self. Thank you!

  32. Hi Kristin:
    Thanks for all the good advice. I’m a new blogger of six months and am trying to get ready to monetize–this is where I’m floundering. How do I know when I have enough readers to take this step and if I don’t, what do I need to change to get to that step?

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      Hey Cher! One thing you can do is check your Google Analytics so you can see what kind of traffic you are getting to your website. But really – don’t worry about just numbers. Focus on writing great content, growing your email list, etc. 🙂

  33. Hi Kristin, I have 2 main issues. The first one is money I’m on a fixed income so I’m really interested in how much the startup would run. I want to start just afraid I won’t have the necessary budget needed.

  34. Hi, my name is Glenna. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for some time now. Almost everything you said, was totally true, to me. Yes, I’m very scared. Don’t know exactly how to start, and mostly, I’m afraid of failure. Thank you, for your blog. It gave me a big push in the right direction..

    1. Kristin Larsen says:

      It’s ok to feel like this – failure is a big fear for many of us!

  35. After reading this I have no reason to hold myself back anymore! I’ve been dreaming of becoming a Blogger for years! So, cheers to now! 🥂 Thank you for the blogger support!! 💕

  36. Wow Kristin, I can’t tell you how much I needed to hear these words! That’s it I’m doing it in taking the nubie blogging plunge. I have talk about it and stressed about it wayyyy to long! Thank you for giving me the courage to get out of my own head and just get started. You are my blogging spirit animal.

  37. Just starting my journey and super excited!! Thank you for your help!

  38. This is exactly what I’m looking for!!! I need this help and encouragement! I’ve been sitting on this idea for a while but really don’t know where to start, so thank you! I will be a new blogger soon! I appreciate all the help and support I can get!