November 2016 Online Income Report – $10,736.55
It’s time to review my online income report from last month. This report only includes income I received from the month of November. If I haven’t received the money, then I don’t put it in this income report. This is the best way for me to track how much money I am making online on a monthly basis.
Big new you guys. Huge. November was my best month to date in terms of making money. This is amazing, simply because I worked under 50 hours combined in September and October and didn’t do as well as I wanted to. Being able to rebound back in November was great! I have been doing a horrible job tracking my income, so I was totally surprised about the total once I added things up.
Going back to my normal schedule in mid November was great. I missed blogging and my business!
While I don’t report my online income on money earned, I sure wish I did. Are you sitting down? I earned over $13,000 in the month of November, but sadly don’t get paid on all of it at the same time. While I was actually paid some of this income in November, I won’t see all of it until December and January. I’m not complaining though – total confidence booster! Holla!
As I stated above, I only report on income that goes into my bank account. So while I would love to report that I made over $13,000 in online income, it doesn’t mean anything to me until it’s in my bank account.
This couldn’t come at a better time as I just hit my thirteenth month of blogging full time! Yup, I quit my job in October 2015 and haven’t looked back. It’s been a crazy ride and I am loving every minute of it. Everyday, I wake up and feel like I have the best life ever!
Here are some previous online income reports:
- April 2015 online income report (my very first online income report) $61.83
- June 2015 online income report $66.10
- July 2015 online income report $515
- September 2015 online income report $1530.94
- October 2015 online income report $3634.28
- December 2015 online income report $4238.99
- April 2016 online income report $5920.52
- May 2016 online income report $7,268.68
- June 2016 online income report $9,700.11
- July 2016 online income report $9,566.15
- September 2016 online income report $6,682.24
- October 2016 online income report $7157.04

Breakdown of my November online income report:
I am over the one year mark for blogging full time! November was my thirteenth month freelancing full time. Starting this blog has changed my life and I can’t imagine doing anything else!
- $878.60 Ad revenue
- $0 Partnerships/Sponsorships
- $5,095.75 Affiliate Income
- $4,012.20 Courses + products
- $750 Freelancing
GRAND TOTAL: $10,736.55
I totally had to check my math a couple times because it didn’t feel like I made that much. But once I started going through my card statements, I realized, yup, I did it. I broke the $10K barrier.
Last September I took the $10,000 blogger challenge issued by Sarah from the Frugal Millionaire Blog and made it my goal to hit this. It took me over a year, but I did it!
Online income breakdown
This income amount is the grand total before I deduct taxes. Right now I am putting away 30% of each paycheck I receive. If I break this down into sections of income, it looks like this:
- 3% freelance income
- 97% in ad income, products, affiliate income
This is awesome, because a year ago, my income was 95% freelance income. In order for me to quit my day job, I had to rely on freelance income for me to make the leap because I didn’t have any substantial income from my blog that I could rely on. Over the past several months, I’ve worked hard to switch this around and my efforts have paid off!
If you want to keep track of your online income (which I highly recommend) check out Freshbooks! It’s what I’ve used to track business income, expenses, invoice clients, and more. Click here to learn more about Freshbooks.
Courses and products
November was a great month. I did a surprise 4 day flash sale from Black Friday to Cyber Monday with Gina from on Become a Pinterest VA TODAY! It’s a mastermind course designed to teach people how to start a Pinterest VA business.
This was the perfect course to design as it was modeled after my Pinterest management business. Partnering with Gina made total sense as not only do I manager her Pinterest account, but she has one of the best VA courses available.
The course was a success and had a lot of interest after the flash sale ended. I’m excited that it did well, and I can’t wait to bring it back in 2017.
If you want to learn more about Be a Pinterest VA TODAY!, you can do so here.
These are my other courses and products that are available:
- If you want to earn extra money in your spare time, Side Hustle to Success will help you explore different sources of revenue. You can check out the course here if you are interested in making extra income on the side.
- In my Pinterest Presence course, I share exactly how I went from 1K page views to 160K+ page views a month in less than a year, as well as how Pinterest drives in 90% of my traffic each month. If you have yet to utilize Pinterest and also need to get more traffic to your website to make more money, you can check out the course here.
- My Pinterest Pin templates have been such a fun and unexpected product that I created! I receive a lot of emails from readers who struggle with making pins for Pinterest. So I created a dozen Pinterest pin templates that are fully customizable that everyone can use! You can learn more about the Pinterest pin templates here.
Monthly Expenses
These are my November expenses:
- $5 Google Apps
- $113 VA work
- $39 Teachable
- $79 ConvertKit. This is my last month using ConvertKit. I decided to shop around and found that I liked a different provider better. ConvertKit is a great company, but I decided my needs were different.
- $35 MailerLite. I switched from ConvertKit to MailerLite for my newsletter and subscribers. I am thrilled with this switch. Not only am I saving around $70 a month, but MailerLite is a breeze to use. I totally recommend it for bloggers and businesses.
- $0 Tailwind. I pay for this annually. Tailwind is the scheduler I use when I do all my pinning on Pinterest. It’s my favorite scheduler I use for my clients and myself.
- $0 Bluehost. I pay for this annually as well. This is the company I used when I first started my blog and still use today! Here’s a tutorial on how to get started blogging.
This month my expenses were about 3% of my budget. I try to take care of a lot of things on my own so I don’t have to outsource. I’ve also really streamlined my business, so I feel like I can pretty much do everything myself. Some people might think this is crazy, but I’m really intentional with my time which allows me to save a lot of money!
Here’s a few takeaways:
- While obvious, when I work, I make money. Even though I had to handle some personal stuff the past couple months and stepped away from my blog, my blog still made money. I made over $6,000 per month while averaging 20-30 hours of work per month, but it was a significant step back from my upward trend.
- Having my own courses and products is vital for my brand to grow. I love that I have created products that help other people and help me as well. It’s a win-win!
- Speaking of products, it pays to have a product, even if it’s only $10. My Pinterest pin templates have been a huge success! This extra income really adds up each month.
- Affiliate income is essential, especially using different sources of affiliate income. I highly recommend Michelle’s course called Making Sense of Affiliate Income.
- I’ve made over $75,000 in 2016 from my blog. It’s my first year blogging full time and I’m so excited by how well things are going. If you want to join me and start your own blog, this post will help you get started.
Hi Kristin, thank you for your knowledge! I’m just now getting into the online world and am really enjoying your blog, so thank you very much!
YAY, thanks so much!
Hi Kristin thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge! I wanted to start a blog a few years ago already but was always so unsure!! You got me all excited so this is the way to go!!
Hi Kristin, I have a blog in the works. I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now. I know that you highly recommend Pinterest to increase your traffic. I’m one of the last 5 people on the planet who is not on Pinterest and I only have a vague idea of what it even is. Do you have any suggestions on how to get started? Thanks in advance, Cecilia
Have you signed up for my free mini-Pinterest course? Look at the right side of the screen and you can opt-in to start learning more about Pinterest!
Thanks Kristin!
You’ve come a far way. This is so inspirational. I’m happy for you. Continue to inspire others. I hope too one to reach half tour success. God Bless.
Kristen that’s awesome. I was just wondering what you were going to switch to from covertkit? I’m looking at possibly switching to something new and had been looking at convertkit, but thought it seemed a bit pricey for me at the moment. I’ve read about a couple of people switching away from it and I was wondering why. Thanks, Nat.
Congratulations to great results! Can’t wait to read your December update, these posts are very inspirational!
10K is awesome! I do a case study with income report on one of my amazon sites and December was good but still got ways to go before the 10K mark with that site.
Thanks so much! You will get to the $10K mark 🙂
I just found your blog on Google and I gotta say, I’m really inspired. From $60 to $10,ooo. :O BTW Congrats!!.
Awesome you broke the ceiling and made 10k! Whoop Whoop! Love this blog and your journey! Congrats and Happy New Year!
Thanks so much Elna! Congrats – you had a great year as well 🙂
Kristin! I’m kicking myself for not starting this last year when I initially saw your income reports! Oh well, silver lining I’m about ready to post my FIRST INCOME REPORT in a couple of days!!! Btw, thanks for staying consistent in posting these. It really has helped me see that there is a light at the end of the dark and dreary student loan tunnel.
Congrats on your first income report – that is SUPER exciting!
Congratulations on a fantastic month! Reaching goals feels incredible, doesn’t it?
Thanks so much!
Yaay!!! Congrats on such a GREAT month! Woo hoo!
oh! and I am totally checking out MailerLite today!!!! 🙂
Thanks for the recommendation.
MailerLite is great – I’m really happy with all the tools it provides, as well as the price!
Way to go Kristin – whoohoo!
Congrats on your amazing month! All your hard work definitely paid off! You are an inspiration!
Thanks so much Mary!!