September Expense Report
Every month I like to share my expense report and review how much money I spent on bills, one off expenses and miscellaneous things. Since this blog is all about budgeting, I like to do this to hold myself accountable and review my monthly spending.
By sharing my monthly expense report, this helps me track potential bad spending habits and figure out where my money goes each month.
Related Posts: June Expense Report, July Expense Report, August Expense Report

September Expense Report
- Rent – $1050
- Sewage – $55
- Cell Phone – $73
- Gas – $70
- Car Insurance – $103
- Parking – $320
- Cable & Internet – $45
- Electric – $54
- Pet Food – $98
- Groceries – $223
- Medical Bills & Meds– $224
- Health & Dental Insurance – $140
- Drinks / Dining Out / Starbucks – $213
- New apartment expenses – $1450
Total Monthly Expenses: $4,118
Ugh, this total amount is really causing a panic attack high. This might be a new record for me when it comes to monthly spending. I didn’t even want to share this report because I can’t even handle my spending right now.
My fixed expenses are stressing me out
If I take away the fluff and one off expenses, such as moving and dining out, my fixed expenses are hovering around $2,400 each month. This is ridiculous!
I know part of this is because of where I live. I’m really anticipating these fixed expenses to decrease come November when I’m all settled in at my new place. My goal is to get my fixed expenses down to under $2,000 a month.
I’ve been budgeting and saving for some things for my new apartment, but it still hurts to spend money. It’s been a bit of guesswork ordering things online and hoping they get delivered around the same time I arrive in Nashville. I might be sleeping and freelancing on the floor until things arrive, ha!
What’s missing from this expense report?
I removed the blog expenses from this post. I’ve decided to categorize this deduction from my blog income and am trying to keep personal spending and business spending separate.
Side Hustle
I am still side hustling each month with mystery shopping. I received nearly $133 that was directly deposited into my bank account and PayPal account for mystery shopping in September. If you want to learn more about mystery shopping, this article teaches you the basics to get started!
I know I say this every month, but I only mystery shop when it’s convenient for me. I never go out of my way to mystery shop and make sure it fits into my daily schedule. I think making $133 is a pretty good amount for not doing anything out of the ordinary in my day!
Related reading:
- 37+ Legit Ways You Can Side Hustle Right Now
- How I Made Over $4,500 From Side Hustles
- 25 Ways to Earn Extra Income
- How to Make Money Pouring Alcohol
- How to Make Money Donating Plasma
- The 5 Best Money Making Tips
Blog Income
My blog income is only being published in my monthly online income report, which I will share in my next post!
If you want to keep track of your income (which I highly recommend) check out Freshbooks! It’s what I’ve used to track business income, expenses, invoice clients, and more. Click here to learn more about Freshbooks.
Hi , you are lucky to live in the States . here in Belgium gas and grocery are much more expensive !
For the 2 of us we spend around 500 US $ /month for gas and around 900 US$ for grocery (without eating exceptional items !!!)
Eek, I would never survive. Maybe salaries are more there?
$133 for mystery shopping is great!
Right?! I’ll take it!
Yeah, $133 for choosing only convenient shops is pretty good. And I definitely think your expenses will decrease in Nashville. Even grocery prices will go down. I was surprised by the difference when we moved from Seattle to Phoenix.
Good luck!
I think you’re right! When my mom came to visit me, she was shocked by the grocery store prices and the cost of living. I am really hoping my spending decreases when I move!
You would die if you saw our monthly expenses!!! Just our mortgage and ft daycare for our two kids is $3,400/month. Hopefully that makes you feel better 🙂
Best of luck with the move!! Can’t wait to read your income report 🙂
Hahaha, I can’t even imagine! Being single is tough because I can’t rely on anyone else, but I think it’s equally as tough when you have more mouths to feed 🙂
This was a high month for you , in comparison, to others. You pay a lot for pet food, do you have more than one animal? Could you use coupons?
I do spend a lot on dog food. I’ve always spent a lot of high quality ingredients for my pets as well as treats 🙂 Right now I use, which has free shipping and no sales tax, yippee! I’m not sure if I have any less expensive options :/
Ouch! Hope that new stuff is worth it! 🙂 You should show pictures of your place after you move and you’re settled. I don’t have a particular season that is better or worse than another, but september was rough both with spending, and not earning enough income. Par-tay! 🙂
I was actually thinking about taking pics of both places and doing a comparison for pricing and what I get for the money! Hahaha, I hate those months where spending outweighs the income 🙂
Our expenses were pretty high this month too. We just purchased a new car and this was the first month we had a payment (it hurts), plus my son’s 4th birthday was in September. We don’t go all out for birthdays, but still you have the cake, presents, cards, etc. Sadly, I don’t expect them to decrease to until after the new year with the holidays fast approaching.
Birthday expenses can definitely add up! I dread the thought of a new car payment, but have a feeling it’s approaching in the next year or so. Those payments are tough!