Do you blog, have an ecommerce shop or website but struggle to drive traffic to your site?

Are you wondering how to tap into the Pinterest market?

Do you lack awesome photos to match your awesome web content?

Are you exhausted by the thought of updating all your old photos and previously published posts?

You might need Pinterest help and I’m here to help YOU!


30 Minute Pinterest Chat Session: $X 

I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed with Pinterest. I was running in circles trying to learn as much as possible about blogging. Through a lot of trial and error, I found a formula that helps me earn a living full time online from Pinterest!

Whether you are starting Pinterest from scratch or you are an already established blogger or business owner but haven’t quite grasped how to utilize Pinterest, I can guide you on the steps you need to take.   

During our chat sessions, you can ask me anything about how to use Pinterest. We can discuss how to create the right pin-worthy photos for your blog, how to make sure your Pins are reaching the right audience on Pinterest, a marketing strategy….basically anything you have questions about!

While there is plenty of free information on the internet – including on this blog – sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone 1-on-1 and get direct answers that apply to YOU!

After our initial appointment, we can continue the conversation if you need additional help. Whether it’s once a month or once a week, we can schedule a 30 minute chat session. In these sessions, we can discuss monthly goals or one-off topics. These sessions can be INCREDIBLY helpful and geared towards helping YOU succeed!

Book a Session

 Pinterest Photo Packages

Whether it’s sorting through months and months of previously published posts, or scheduling new monthly content, I can design Pinterest images that compliment your amazing content. As a one time session or on a monthly basis, let’s work together to bring more people from Pinterest to your website.

Need stock photos? I recommend ___________ to all my clients – you can sign up for a free one month trial. Don’t have time to search for photos? Stock photo search is $2 per image. 

Pinterest Packages

Larger packages are available – we can work together to create a package you need, whether it’s a one time package or if you need pins on retainer. 

Please Inquire

Initial Pinterest Set Up – Packages start at $X per month: 

  • Home page includes custom bio, links to social media and website
  • Set up custom boards with descriptions
  • Each board includes one time pinning of 25 pins per board, including healthy mix of your pins and related content
  • If Pinterest account exists, complete site overhaul and restructure
  • Follow 100+ similar and influential pinners
  • Set up Rich Pins
  • Recommend and apply for group boards

Please Inquire

Initial Tailwind Set Up – Packages start at $X per month:

  • Initial set up includes reviewing account and setting up homepage and tabs
  • Create weekly schedule for pinning other content
  • Create group lists
  • Create group list schedule for pinning content
  • Link Pinterest and Tailwind together

Please Inquire

Monthly Pin Scheduling – Packages start at $X per month: 

As part of the Pinterest’s inaugural marketing program, Tailwind is changing the way companies and bloggers pin content. Due to this unprecedented partnership, Tailwind is leading the pack when it comes to scheduling pins, API content and pin analytics. Let me help you set up this powerful publishing platform. Tailwind Plus membership required.

Includes pinning new posts and repin existing content. Pins will be analyzed for optimal performance. I’ll monitor your top pins and nix the ones that aren’t performing. Pricing based on total number of pins. All pricing is billed monthly on a 3 month plan. Tailwind membership required.

  • Weekly pinning of new blog and website content to Pinterest boards
  • Overall scheduling of 500+ minimum pins monthly, including group boards
  • Review and analyze pins bi-monthly
  • Monthly report of top performing pins and boards
  • One time setup fee of $X

Please Inquire

A La Carte Services – Pricing varies and can be added into monthly packages:

  • Researching and applying to group boards
  • Researching top performing pins in your niche
  • Researching and applying to Tailwind Tribes
  • Sharing content to Tailwind Tribes
  • Cleaning up and overhauling existing Pinterest boards
  • Cleaning up and overhauling Tailwind scheduling tools

Please Inquire


  Client Testimonial

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Hi, I’m Kristin! I started my career as a Pinterest VA in 2015 and have since grown into a successful Pinterest management company. After working with more than 100 clients, I’m here to help YOU get the results you need when it comes Pinterest.

Have questions? Please send an email to X.



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